Thank you to Matthew, Sawyer, Jeremiah, Jordan, and Jada for turning in their notes today.
Keep up to date with what's going on in Mrs. Woolsey's 1st Grade class at UPA Elementary.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Report Cards/ Learning Team Plan
Last Friday, a large envelope went home in your student's folder. It contained their Narrative Report Card and the Learning Team Plan we decided on at their exhibition. Stapled to the front of the learning team plan was a note for the parent and student to sign saying that they read over their plan together. If it was turned in today, the student received a candy treat. I only received 5 signed notes today. Please go over the envelope tonight and return the signed note tomorrow.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Reading/ Writing Workshop
Every other Monday, Ms. Standard and Mr. Kefgen will be hosting parent & student workshops focused on different academic areas. This Monday, March 28th from 4:00- 5:00 they will be having a workshop about vowel sounds, and using different vowel sounds when reading and writing. All are welcome to attend! More dates coming will be focused on other reading, writing, and math skills we cover in class. I'll keep everyone posted as they come!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Our Last Exhibition & Shining Light
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Wish List
As the year progresses there are a few things we are running short of on the classroom. If you are out shopping and see any good deals, we would appreciated if you could pick up any of the following items:
3x5 Cards (For Buddy Study)
Lined Paper (For our New Daily Journals)
Glue Sticks
Thanks a ton!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Another Web Site with Read Aloud Story Books
Tonight in my grad class another student shared this website from the Rochester Hills Public Library.
After you click on the above link, you will see a list of story books that are animated and read out loud for your student to watch and read along with. There are also games to go with many of the books. This website is great because with each book if gives a grade or age level for the story. Click the Green Button that says, "View Online" Next to the book you want to listen to and enjoy!
Just a tip- the web site only lets you read a few books at a time. To read more, just close the window, open a new one, and go back to the website.
Skype & Mystery Reader
Our class is very excited because tomorrow we are going to have morning meeting with Mr. Curran's class via Skype! Today we practiced sitting in front of the camera and took a few pictures so we could see what Mr. Curran's class will see when we video conference them. We'll keep you posted about how our conversation went!

Saturday, March 19, 2011
New Games Web Site
At my conference I learned about a great way to store all the games that are appropriate, fun, and at the level for our students in one place. Today I spent some time putting it together for you. I picked out games that go with our curriculum and that were kid tested in the classroom to be fun. It is organized by subject area. Save this website below so your student can play informational games on-line at home. They will have access to this page during classroom computer time also. Let me know what you think of it!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Post It Notes
As you know I am currently attending conference to help integrate more technology into our classroom. I am learning so much and am excited to try many new ideas with our students. In the mean time while I'm gone, try one of the cool tools I just learned about and leave me a sticky note! Click on the gray bar that says "Mrs. Woolsey's Sticky Notes". Choose a sticky note and drag it to the bulletin board. Write a note and be sure to sign it!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
A Great End to Our Exhibition Week!
I am so impressed by the presentations this week! Each student should feel very proud of what they accomplished. Thank you families for all the time and hard work you put into helping your child have a successful exhibition.
Next Friday, March 25th, Narrative Reports and completed Learning Team Plans will go home with your student.
Tomorrow & Friday, I will be out of the building attending the Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL) conference at Cobo. Ms. A, one of our best subs, will be in our class both days. I'm sure she'll have a good report for me Monday!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Detroit Fire Department Visit & Bullying
Detroit Fire Department
Today at school we had a visit from a Fire Fighter from the Detroit Fire Department. She told us about getting out of a house when we hear a fire alarm, not hiding, checking a door with the back of our hand and calling 911. The kids really enjoyed her visit.
Stop Bullying Now Campaign
Recently in the news I learned about The White House's Conference on Bullying Prevention. Although, the students in our class get along for the most part, it is good for you and your student to be aware of what bullying is and how to deal with it. Below is a link to the Stop Bullying Now Campaign's website with lots of information for kids and parents.
In our class students use the DeBugging steps when another student is bothering them. The steps have proven to be very successful with helping students control their reactions, solve problems independently, and tattle less. We've also discussed that it is very serious if someone is hurting them or their property, and they need to let me know right away.
The DeBugging Steps
1. Ignore 2. Walk Away 3. Talk Friendly 4. Talk Firmly 5. Get Adult Help
Friday, March 4, 2011
Shining Light
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Milestone #4 Celebration
WOW! EVERY student in our class was responsible for their milestone #4 today! I was so proud of the students! (I even received 3 boards early!!!) The boards that were turned in look great! I am so excited too see all their exhibitions. I'm sure they will be very prepared!
To celebrate the whole class had a brownie treat this morning. At lunch, students who turned in a board ate with me in the classroom.
Keep up the great work!!!
***Note*** The field trip to the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum has been changed to May 4th.
More information will be sent home soon.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
5th Grade Wax Museum
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