Today the class went to Ann Arbor to see the Salsa band, "Baby Loves Salsa." The music was great and got the kids on their feet singing and dancing along.
Keep up to date with what's going on in Mrs. Woolsey's 1st Grade class at UPA Elementary.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Friday's Shining Light
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Updates and Reminders
AMPT Change for January 31- March 18
Monday: Music
Tuesday: Technology
Wednesday: Art
Thursday: Music
Friday: Technology
Field Trip
$2.00 is due tomorrow, Friday 28th.
We will be leaving on Monday the 31st at 9:00am.
Students need a bag lunch and to wear school uniform.
Today in class students are writing their final copy of their recipe for our class cookbook. Each student will receive their own copy to keep and use in their own kitchen!
Over winter break our e-mail system had some troubles. It is fixed, but for some reason the e-mails I send to outside addresses are getting sent back to me or are delayed. I've been sending parent e-mails through my Oakland University Email Just to be sure I get your e-mail, can you please continue to use my Oakland address. Thanks!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Log Cabins
This is the last week for our current social studies unit and next week will begin 6 weeks of science. To end off the unit, we are learning about important Presidents all week long. Today we learned all about Abraham Lincoln and the important things he did as president. One thing we learned about was that he grew up in a log cabin. After we read all about him, we made our own log cabins out of frosting and pretzels.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Shining Light
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Milestone #1 Reminder
Tomorrow, Thursday, January 20th Milestone #1 is due. Milestone #1 is a list of the resources your student is using to learn about their Important African American for their Exhibition. I sent home the form for this Milestone last Wednesday.
Great job to Jude and Jaden who turned in their Milestone #1 early!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Family Fun at the Skate Rink
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Reading Website for Parents
Recently, I found a GREAT website that has many helpful articles for parents about reading at home with your student. Often articles are even broken down by the grade of your student. Enjoy!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Skating Party on Monday
This Monday from 12-3 UPA will be holding a skating party at Northland Rink.
(22311 West 8 Mile Road, Detroit, MI - (313) 535-1443)
Skating is $5.00 and skate rental is $2.00. I'll be there with some fellow teachers and I look forward to seeing many of you!

More Measuring!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Shining Light
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Dino Diner
Here is a song, Dino Diner, we learned during Morning Meeting. The kids made up the hand movements to go along with the words. It was tough learning how to say all the dinosaur names, but we did it!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Today in math the students measured objects in the classroom with their fingers, hands, arms, and feet. They realized that two students will not always get the same result if you measure with a body part because we are all different sizes. Tomorrow, we will begin using a ruler and discussing inches and feet.
Makayla measures the door with her hand.
Matthew records his measurements in his math journal.
Summer measures the bookshelf with her hand.
Tristan and Jamia measure the mailboxes with their arms.
Gary measures the homework box with this finger.
Sawyer measures the board with her arms.
Jalen measures the counter with his arm.
***There was a typo on the "No Homework Wednesday" note I sent home. Milestone #4, Complete Visual Aid, is due March 3rd.***
Monday, January 3, 2011
School E-mail...
is back! Our e-mail system was fixed today and I am able to receive emails at...
Saturday, January 1, 2011
New Year & Back to School
I hope everyone had a wonderful New Years and is really enjoying their break. It has been great to receive e-mails from students telling me about their vacation.
I just wanted to remind everyone that we will be going back to school on Tuesday, January 4th. Monday is now a professional development day. Also, if your student is completing the Holiday Break Homework, it is due on Tuesday. Late homework will not be accepted.
See everyone bright and early on Tuesday!
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