On Thursday, October 15th we are going to the Cider Mill! The kids are very excited. Students do not need to be in uniform, but they need to be dressed for the weather. Please send your student with a bag lunch. Everything, including the bag, needs to be disposable because we will not be brining them back with us. On the trip, students will pick apples and a pie pumpkin, eat donuts and cider and go for a hay ride. The trip is $8.00 for students and chaperones.
Friday, October 16th there is no school for professional development.
The following week, October 19-23, I will be out of school for my honeymoon. Mrs. Jones will be subbing in our class. She is a wonderful sub who will keep the kids on track. She met our class earlier in the year and stops by to say, "Hi!" whenever she is in the building. Mrs. Jones and I have kept in contact as I prepare lessons for her. We are counting down to the day till she comes to stay with us.
Look for photos from our firehouse visit to come soon!